• I feel weird today

    This is just going to be a stream of consciousness, fuck editing, fuck punctuation if it doesn’t suit me. I have too many things in my head and I’ve been feeling weirdly guilty and isolated watching all these people do amazing things, keep making zines. I feel like I wanted to get involved, I really wanted to take on something … [Read More] I feel weird today

    A Big List of Books: classic Black children’s books

    Hey guys! It’s been a little while since my last… well, any sort of public post anywhere. I’ve been completely absorbed in school. I’m starting to get really antsy about graduating. And well I should, since I’ll be graduating in May! I’ve been in school for my whole life, and this will be the first time since preschool that I’m … [Read More] A Big List of Books: classic Black children’s books

    Free Zine Friday #5: Audio zine edition

    free zine friday

    I’ve been having a rough few weeks here to be quite honest. Those with a keen sense of time might have guessed this since I skipped last week’s Free Zine Friday… although four weeks probably isn’t quite enough to get people hooked yet. I’ve been feeling simultaneously overwhelmed by my commitments, exhausted about the prospect of accepting new opportunities that … [Read More] Free Zine Friday #5: Audio zine edition

    Free Zine Friday #4

    free zine friday

    This morning I had to go to the DMV (Department of motor vehicles), except out here they call it the RMV (“Registry” of motor vehicles) which I will never get used to. Spent probably a good three hours all told panicking about whether I had all the info I needed to get my ID, then turns out I was already … [Read More] Free Zine Friday #4

    Free Zine Friday #2

    free zine friday

    It’s official, I’m doing Free Zine Friday and that’s that! It’s hot out and I had to do my taxes today and I’ve just been lazing around and complaining all day, but I said to myself that if this is something I want to do, I need to do it. And sharing zines is really all I want to do. … [Read More] Free Zine Friday #2

    Free Zine Friday #1

    free zine friday

    Okay, so I’ve been wanting to do this for almost two years now, and for whatever fucking reason I’m having SUCH a hard time figuring out the format. There are so many amazing zines that I’ve come across that are entirely FREE to download and read! And I think a lot of people don’t know how to find free zines … [Read More] Free Zine Friday #1

    I’m a Witch Now

    Starting on this last new moon, the New Moon in Sagittarius, I felt like I was on the cusp of something very important. I’ve been writing and wrestling with it for the last week or so. Well, really, I’ve been writing and wrestling with it for many many years, it’s just that everything’s kinda coming together now. I really want … [Read More] I’m a Witch Now

    Tutorial: Resizing Lo Scarabeo Tarot LWBs

    This post is especially for my Youtube friend WW! But you might find it useful too. The “little white books” (guidebooks) for tarot decks printed by Lo Scarabeo are generally printed in six languages–English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, and Portuguese. I was asked how one might go about removing the non-English portions to make the guidebook smaller and easier to … [Read More] Tutorial: Resizing Lo Scarabeo Tarot LWBs

    Autumn Equinox ’22: Symbols and Thoughts

    So last week was the autumn equinox… or was it the week before already? I’m still working on coming up with a personal cycle of special days and festivals and stuff, but the equinoxes and solstices are easy places to start. I like how they’re astronomy-based and not strictly agriculture-based, since I don’t have a garden so agricultural festivals don’t … [Read More] Autumn Equinox ’22: Symbols and Thoughts

    When You Meet Your Shadow

    Have you ever met someone who is perfectly nice, perfectly interesting, perfectly kind, and just fucking hate them? And you’re trying to figure out what it is you don’t like about them. You know it’s not that you feel unsafe or have a “bad feeling” about them, you know it’s not anything they’ve done like “coming on too strong”, or … [Read More] When You Meet Your Shadow

    Astrological associations with the Tarot: New and improved!

    I recently put up a video on my YouTube channel about astrological associations with the tarot. I’ve always really like the additional structure and depth astrology lends to the tarot, but there were certain traditional associations that I didn’t get along with. And this makes sense when you consider that the traditional associations–that is, those established by the Golden Dawn–are … [Read More] Astrological associations with the Tarot: New and improved!